




What was the reason for the decrease in 4Q profit compared with the 3Q in the HPP Company?

The forecast amount of future profit decline attributable to increases in raw material and fuel prices in 欧洲 in connection with certain long-term customers was allocated to the 4Q of FY2021. 其余数据超出预期(1月6日).)整体而言.

  • *HPP公司:高性能塑料公司
What were the effects of such factors as delays in the delivery of housing components and the Fukushima earthquake?

销售额和利润均低于预期.). This was due to such factors as delays in the construction of mainly ready-built houses as a result of heavy snowfalls, 地震造成的处理延迟, 新冠肺炎疫情对装修订单的影响, 以及组件交付的延迟. While delays in the delivery of components continue to have a minor impact as a result of such factors as the lockdown in 中国, we will work to minimize this impact by engaging in various measures including collaboration with suppliers going forward.


HPP Company sales in the 电子产品 field are projected to essentially remain unchanged in the 1H of FY2022 compared with the 2H of FY2021. 这一预测背后的原因和基本假设是什么?

这是由于液晶产品在2021财年下半年的强劲销售. The possibility also exists that customers building up inventories mainly in 中国 as a result of the Beijing Olympics and impact of lockdowns. Moreover, forecasts reflect withdrawal from certain unprofitable products in the 1H of FY2022.

Why do you expect Pharmaceutical Sciences Business sales in the 1H of FY2022 to decline compared with the 2H of FY 2021 in the Medical segment? 除了, what are the reasons for the decline in sales of new products in FY2022 compared with FY2021?

Orders for pharmaceutical ingredients from major pharmaceutical manufacturers form the basis for the increase. 预计2022财年的销售额将在整个财政期间增长. 新工厂的运营将为2023财年的业绩做出贡献. Orders are progressing steadily in the leadup to the commencement of operations. 在FY2021, sales of COVID-19 diagnostic kits saw a substantial temporary increase in results compared with historic levels. 这是预计2022财年下降的主要原因.

What are the reasons and underlying assumptions behind the difference between FY2022 1H and 2H operating profit plans?

在HPP公司, we anticipate improvements in selling prices on high raw material costs will have a greater effect in the 2H.

就房屋公司而言, we believe that the increase in sales attributable to order plans and contributions from the Town and Community Development Business will be felt in the 2H.

From the UIEP Company's perspective, results are generally concentrated in the 2H. 除了, conditions mainly in the non-residential market are expected to recover in the 2H.

The difference between 1H and 2H plans in the Medical Business is relatively small. The increase in the 2H largely reflects diagnostic kit sales associated with infectious disease- and influenza-related demand.

  • *UIEP公司:城市基础设施 & 环保产品公司
What are your thoughts on the impact of lockdowns across certain areas of 中国?

而中国的生产基地也在一定程度上受到了影响, 影响很小. This reflects our ability to maintain the Group's production structure and systems as well as efforts to utilize inventories. 十大赌博娱乐平台将继续密切关注事态发展.

Can you provide us with specific details of the substantial increase in capital investment and expenditures in FY2022 compared with the previous year?

SEKISUI 化学 Group is investing in a wide range of activities including the new Biorefinery Business, 哪一种是将废物转化为乙醇, integration of the ERP systems as a part of the Group's endeavors in the DX field, 以及房屋相关的管理制度.


石脑油价格应该上涨得更厉害吗, will you be able to pass on this increase to product prices in the HPP Company?

We will reflect any increase in naphtha prices to product prices as quickly as possible. 然而,十大赌博娱乐平台不会指望把全部增长都转嫁出去. Efforts will also be directed to other areas including volume increases and cost reductions.

Looking at HPP Company FY2022 plans, which fields will contribute to improved margins?

从2021财年开始, 十大赌博娱乐平台将通过提高销售价格,从2022财年开始确保更好的利润率. Around half of all improvements in selling prices will be in the Building and Infrastructure field. 其余部分基本上由三家电子公司均分, 流动性, 及工业领域, 后者包括日本的一般产品.

已经提出了从4月份开始提高PVC树脂价格的建议. In light of this price increase, will you be able to secure margins in the UIEP Company?

While multiple steps were taken to pass on increases in the price of PVC resin to product prices in FY2021, 每次努力之间的时间间隔已经缩短. We have already announced improvements in selling prices as a result of the increase in the price of PVC resin in April, 并将继续努力确保利润率.


您对美元:¥汇率的假设是1美元:¥115. 营业利润在多大程度上受汇率波动的影响?

汇率每波动1日元, annual operating profit will increase around ¥500 million and ¥100 million for the US$ and euro, 分别. 大部分增加的营业利润将来自HPP公司. In the 住房 Company, import activities have a negative impact of tens of millions of yen per US$. 对UIEP公司营业利润的影响可以忽略不计.


您对中期计划的进展有何看法? Are we correct in assuming that any discrepancy is due to macroeconomic factors, and that the efforts undertaken by the Company are being sufficiently carried out?

We believe that the Company has been steadily carrying out all appropriate measures. 这包括结构性改革和改善固定成本. 2021财年EBITDA增长至接近创纪录水平. We are confident that SEKISUI 化学 Group has developed the ability to generate earnings over the past two years.