
最后更新:11月. 4, 2020

(10月. 29, 2020)



(Pages 9 and 16 of the presentation slides) What factors led to 2Q sales in the 流动性 field substantially exceeding plans?

此外,全球汽车市场的情况超出了预期, sales trends are attributed to the upswing in new applications focusing on high-performance interlayer films. 十大赌博娱乐平台认为这是持续销售活动的结果.

  • *HPP公司:高性能塑料公司
What is the background and timing behind the increase in market share in high-performance interlayer films?

There have been some instances where our products were adopted at the same time as the switchover to new models. 同样,这是过去销售活动的结果.

(Pages 9 and 16 of the presentation slides) As far as 4Q net sales in the 流动性 field are concerned, will you be able to achieve plans to exceed the previous year's level excluding the contributions from companies newly included in the scope of consolidation?

去年第四季度,中国的汽车生产已经暂停. 汽车生产在欧洲和美国.S. 也在3月份大幅下降. 考虑到这些因素, our plans are based on the assumption that the number of automobiles manufactured in the 4Q of this year will essentially return to the same levels reported last year.

(演示幻灯片第17页)而非lcd领域的产品销售正在扩大, 考虑到美国法规的影响,你们的计划是什么.S. 中国在电子领域的发展?

而非液晶领域的产品销售稳步增长,直到第二季度, 十大赌博娱乐平台预计美国将实施出口限制.S. 对中国的影响将在下半年产生一些影响. 同时预计某些客户的需求会下降, 特别是5G基站的散热材料, we do not see a serious impact so long as there is no downturn in overall demand with orders from other customers actually increasing.

How much do you expect sales of heat release materials will increase in the fiscal year under review?



(Pages 16 and 28 of the presentation slides) Looking at the aircraft-related business results of other companies, 许多公司报告称,第二季度的销售额有所下降. 你能告诉十大赌博娱乐平台公司的业绩和计划吗?

就SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION在HPP公司的收益而言, 十大赌博娱乐平台认为目前计划的准确性很高. Our plans are based on the assumption that demand will be slightly lower than the production rates of customer companies announced around the end of July, 包括波音公司, 主要客户. 在UIEP公司的飞机相关板材业务, 计划与直座制造客户的设施开工率一致.

  • *UIEP公司:城市基础设施 & 环保产品公司
(Pages 16 and 28 of the presentation slides) It appears that aircraft-related businesses are undertaking various streamlining, 生产结构优化, 还有其他措施. 你能否提供具体情况?

A. 按计划进行, SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION is looking to complete the consolidation of three factories in the State of Washington in the U.S. 在本财政年度结束前,将被分拆为两家工厂. 就纸张业务而言, 对某些开发和销售业务的回顾, 主要关注美国的生产基地优化.S.,于上半年末完成. 前进, 将采取措施将管理资源转移到医疗和铁路相关领域.

(Pages 16 of the presentation slides) What are your thoughts on the risk of impairment of SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION's goodwill and intangible non-current assets? No steps have been taken to revise downward the Group's bottom line forecasts for the fiscal year under review. 十大赌博娱乐平台是否可以假设重大减值的风险已经消退?

The Purchase Price Allocation of the amount of goodwill and intangible non-current assets has not been finalized due in part to restrictions on the movement of accountants as a result of COVID-19. 在未来, certain intangible non-current assets will be evaluated after estimating aircraft-related demand more stringently than at the time of acquisition. 说到这里, 就金额而言, 十大赌博娱乐平台不认为这将对正在审查的财政年度的底线计划产生重大影响.

(Pages 15 and 16 of the presentation slides) What are your forecasts for SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION's profit and loss? 十大赌博娱乐平台是否可以假设第四季度的经营亏损将大幅收窄?

We are looking to even out profit and loss at SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION on a non-consolidated basis.


(19页, 第21和22页的演示幻灯片)而新房屋订单在上半年超过了计划, 为什么下半年营业收入的预测基本上没有变化?

Order plans are based on the assumption that the business environment will return to normal in the 2H. 目前,影响仍在显现. 在很大程度上, 2H sales of properties for which orders will be received in the 3Q are projected to fall short of initial plans. 此外, we anticipate the recovery in rebuilding and other demand will be slower than forecast at the beginning of the period. We are looking at a slight deterioration in the product mix and accordingly have left forecasts for operating income essentially unchanged.

(Page 20 of the presentation slides) Reductions in fixed costs exceeded plans mainly in the 住房 business in the 1H. 你能否提供具体情况? 你们是否打算在下半年继续实施同样的减排和管理措施?

在1H, successful steps were taken to reduce mainly sales promotion expenses by controlling activities centered on large-scale events including factory tours and pushing forward such initiatives as digital marketing. While we will continue to focus on reducing sales promotion expenses and to increase the efficiency of business operations, 十大赌博娱乐平台将在体验式展示厅等领域进行战略投资.

(Page 22 of the presentation slides) The number of visitors to housing exhibitions is projected to come in at around 80% of the previous year's level in the 2H. Do you also expect numbers will remain unchanged in the future and not return to pre-COVID-19 levels?

回顾一下1H, the number fell dramatically to 28% of the previous year in the 1Q due to the government's declaration of a nationwide state of emergency and other factors. 在第二季度,这个数字提高到了80%. 说到这里, 大流行的暂时蔓延也导致第二季度的游客数量下降. 考虑到这一点,十大赌博娱乐平台认为恢复到之前的水平需要一些时间. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 提前收集信息的网上顾客正在大幅增加. As the number of customers who first gather information online and then visit exhibitions to gain a first-hand look at our products increases, 十大赌博娱乐平台也将重点关注这一领域.


(Page 29 of the presentation slides) Sales of prioritized products in the UIEP Company are projected to increase substantially in the 2H. 你认为促成这种增长的因素是什么? 十大赌博娱乐平台能否期待下一财年达到同样的增长水平?

结果受到上半年施工停工的影响. 除了随后结转到下半年的部分销售额之外, 新产品也促进了销售. 同时从2017财年开始专注于扩大优先产品的销售, 包括回顾的财政年度在内,每个时期的销售增长率都超过10%. 展望未来, we will continue to pursue existing measures including the development and introduction of new products from FY2021 with a focus on maintaining an annual rate of sales growth of at least 10%.


(幻灯片第39页)截至9月30日的存货余额, 与截至3月31日的余额相比, 2020年低于截至6月30日的余额, 2020年7月31日, 2020, 公布第一季度业绩的细节. 说到这里, 截至9月30日的余额, 2020年的水平高于去年9月底. 因COVID-19积累的库存是否有进展?

除了住房部分, 十大赌博娱乐平台在哪里战略性地增加库存,包括现成的房子, the amount is decreasing compared with the end of March and in general returning to a more appropriate level. 尽管由于新冠疫情的影响,销售尚未完全恢复, 库存周转率等指标略有恶化, 与前一年相比,十大赌博娱乐平台没有感觉到任何过度的感觉, 预计未来销售的复苏将有助于解决这个问题.